Parking is EXTREMELY limited, we highly recommend taking the T!
Nearest T Stations: Green Line – Arlington Walk South down Arlington Street AWAY from the Boston Commons. Orange/ Green- Back Bay Walk East down Columbus toward the Park Plaza

Driving Directions
From the West:
Take Massachusetts Turnpike (Rte. 90 East) into the city.
Exit at Copley Square (22) and follow straight onto Stuart St. Follow to the 5th set of light The Castle is on your right.
From the North:
Take Rte. I-93 South into city.
Exit at Storrow Drive (26).
Follow Storrow Drive towards Back Bay.
Take Back Bay/Copley exit on left.
Take left turn onto Beacon St.,
then immediate right onto Arlington St.
The Castle is directly inf ront of you.
From the South:
Take Rte. I-93 North into the city.
Take exit 26 and follow signs to Storrow Drive towards Back Bay.
Take left turn onto Beacon St., then immediate right onto Arlington St.
The hotel will be directly in front of you. If you prefer to use Kneeland Street exit, take exit 20 (Logan Airport), bear left. Follow signs to South Station (not downtown Boston). At the lights, take left onto Kneeland St. Kneeland Street will become Stuart Street. Follow Stuart Street, then take a right onto South Charles Street. Take 1st left onto Park Plaza. Pass the Park Plaza on your right and the Castle will be directly in front of you.